Lenzker’s Why #VMworld ? 10 Reasons Why You Should Go

It’s this time of the year again where a lot of us need to decide. Shall I go to this year’s VMworld? From time to time discussions come up with statements like:

“(#VMworld) is not the same any more…..When I was young, real knowledge and content was presented… . I was at #VMworld in the old days before it was cool….Virtualization is legacy, Azure and AWS is the only thing that counts”

Who am I to contradict those statements (even though the are wrong :P). I will try to give you my opinion why #VMworld is still the tech-conference highlight of the year.

If it’s your first time visiting VMware’s US event I am going to create a second article called ‘let’s visit #VMworld’ about some personal tips and tricks how to get the maximum out of this years #VMworld

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Lets introduce #VMworld bands: Fall Out Boy and Capital Cities

When this years #VMworld party band was announced it seemed that only a few within the social network were as excited as I was:

Capital Cities & Fall Out Boy


To be honest the music and sound of Capital Cities is something I am not too familiar with. But especially within Germany we know them because of this great Vodafone commercial spot  (well… I am kind of a romantic guy).

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