#topvblog 2016: Place your vote and see my recommendations

As every year Eric Siebert started the collection for votes regarding the best blogs within the virtualization field.

Caused by the great blogging-landscape I don’t see any chance to come close to the top 100 area. But still I hope to gain one or the other vote within the new blogger category (vLenzker.net exists for around 6 months right now)

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Here you can give your vote. Thanks VMturbo and Eric Siebert to sponsor and execute this event once again.

I am listed with two blogs this year: vLenzker (Fabian Lenz) & 

So if you want to give me your vote, I would be really grateful. Anyway I definitely can recommend the following blogs since I spend a lot of time gaining knowledge or enjoyed the reading during the year with them.

  • vXpress (Sunny Dua): My favorite blog regarding vRealize Operations topics ;-)
  • Virtual Red-dot (Iwan Rahabok): My second favorite vROPS blog ;-)
  • Running-System (A. Lesslhumer): Love his ESXTOP Poster… I tried to export this great piece of information within the whole world… -> noone leaves my VMware class without knowing this poster
  • Virten.net (Florian Grehl) : A german fellow with passion for virtualization and for a couple of weeks also NSX
  • vCloudnine (Patrick Terlisten): I follow (and unfortueneatly never met him in real-life) for multiple years. I always enjoyed his posts about real-life configurations, problems and solutions.  Keep on with your great job.
  • Blog.bertello.org (Giuliano Bertello): A great series especially for NSX newbies ;-) liked it a lot in the beginning of my NSX career.
  • vBrain.info (Manfred Hofer): Fred’s amount of posts decreased a little bit with the upcoming of his child :) (I see a correlation and causality). I would say that’s a good excuse. I still enjoy his activity on twitter and posts. Without him & Andreas awesome night during VMworld 2015 at the hard-rock cafe I would never come that deep into VMware blogging and into the community.
  • And of course the classical top blogger we don’t really need to talk about.

A few guys I am really missing during this years vote. Not sure what the reason is, but anyway. Please visit the blog as well.

Martijn Smit Lostdomain: I met him shortly during last VMworlds and upon really enjoyed his NSX skills and section (VCIX- Study guide)

Luc Dekens lucd.info: No one working with Powershell / PowerCLI in the field who didn’t improved his skills with Luc’s help.

The mentioned people and list are far away from being complete. So please be sorry if you don’t get mentioned right here :). I would need 4 hours more of writing to give everyone the credits he deserves.

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