During a Partner enablement session we figured out that a new deployed vRealize Operations Manager (vROPS) instance was not able to be started correctly. Login into https://vrops.fqdn/admin the following was shown under system status.
Even after deleting and redeploying vROPS it was not working that the vROPS service comes up.
The collector.log file was showing some strange heartbeat messages:
Not really helpful, but luckily the gemfire logfiles were giving us further information and were pointing us to an interesting finding:
Exception “Caused by: hava.net.MalformedUrlException: Bad URL path: _vcops.testlab.intern”
the hostname for the vROPS instance was pbu_vcops.testlab.intern. Somehow the internal mechanism screwed it up to work with the _ within the name.
–> Redeploying vROPS with a NETBIOS compatible hostname was totally working fine.
My recommendation: Keep your hostnames short and clean ;-)