VCAP-NV Deployment Exam Preparation: Tips and Tricks

During VMware Empower 2019 in Lissabon my colleague Jens Henning and myself had the honor to do two breakout sessions about the VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Network Virtualization (VCAP-NV) exam.

In this session we covered tips and tricks for the deploy exam. This short post should summarize the content for all those people who weren‘t able to attend. The following information are totally suitable for the VCAP-Deploy exam in all kind of VMware‘s tracks:

  • Datacenter Virtualization
  • Network Virtualization
  • Desktop- and Mobility
  • Cloud Management & Automation
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Let’s learn #VMware #PowerCLI

Version 1.0 (Date: 05/April/2016)

In the second post of my let’s learn series I will try to summarize useful links, classes, lectures and recommendations for getting started with PowerCLI.


As described in my why learn #PowerCLI post, I realized during my daily job that many students/ customers are not familiar (or feeling confident enough to deal) with VMware’s PowerCLI (even though it is so so powerful). Since I know which boost it had on my VMware operational skills, I wanted to start this collection to give people a good starting point to get from $null to $pro.

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Let’s learn #VMware #NSX

Version 1.1 (Date: 02/November/2015)

In the new post series let’s learn I will try to summarize useful links, classes, lectures and recommendations to learn specific topics. I used many of those resources to pass my VCP6-NV exam and thought it might be useful to share them with everyone.


In this part I am going to show you ressources to learn about VMware’s network virtualization’s product: NSX. I will try to update this post from time to time. Let’s start with initial version 1.0

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