Horizon View: Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid paramaters during Cluster selection

I observed this in my homelab while multiple nested ESXi were not available. If you create a Desktop Pool in Horizon 7 (and I guess earlier as well) the following meaningful error might show up during the select of a host or cluster resource:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid paramaters during Cluster selection

Going through the Connection Server log files I figured out the java exception is called when the vCenter is crawled for all available Hosts and Clusters.

The routine is crashing when it hits an disconnected or not-responding ESXi host within the inventory.

Make sure every ESXi host is in a connected state.

ESXi hosts within some maintenance can really steal the show right here.

Make sure to get rid of this ESXi host by fixing the host or removing the host from the inventory. Please be aware of that a remove will also affect the your distributed switch.

2 thoughts on “Horizon View: Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid paramaters during Cluster selection

  • 24. July 2018 at 1:38

    Hi there, I have a large environment and my Pools no longer successfully deploy new VMs. I get this Java error when it tries. Any ideas are appreciated! Thank you.

    • 25. July 2018 at 12:55

      are there any orphaned esxi objects in the host and cluster view? Can you create a new VM in the vCenter and create a manual pool? When the VM selection is shown – Does this VM show up?


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